Specialized Training on "Implementing Sectoral Corruption Risk Management in the Ministry of Economy and Trade: Concepts and Applications"

Specialized Training on "Implementing Sectoral Corruption Risk Management in the Ministry of Economy and Trade: Concepts and Applications"

Beit Meri, Lebanon, 7/4/2024 - 7/5/2024

Organized by: The Ministry of Economy and Trade in Lebanon with UNDP

The Ministry of Economy and Trade, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has launched its initiative to implement a sectoral corruption risk management methodology aimed at enhancing integrity within the areas under the ministry's jurisdiction, including within its own framework, enabling it to play its significant role more effectively. This initiative is part of the efforts to implement the national anti-corruption strategy, particularly its seventh outcome, which focuses on preventing corruption at the sectoral level. It contributes to enabling Lebanon to make progress in its efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 16, which relates to peace, justice, and strong institutions.

Accordingly, the "Anti-Corruption for Trust in Lebanon" project, implemented by UNDP with joint support from the European Union and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, organized a specialized training titled "Implementing Sectoral Corruption Risk Management in the Ministry of Economy and Trade: Concepts and Applications." This training was held from July 4 to 5, 2024, in Beit Meri, in collaboration with the UNDP regional project "Anti-Corruption and Integrity in the Arab Countries," which is implemented in partnership with the Korea International Cooperation Agency.

The training course included members of the Corruption Risk Management Committee of the Ministry of Economy and Trade and experts specialized in this field. It focused on reviewing the reform and development efforts undertaken by the ministry and discussing the governance challenges it faces, especially in light of the financial and economic crisis the country is experiencing. The course aimed to support the committee's capacities by presenting the sectoral corruption risk management methodology developed by UNDP experts and ways to apply it based on good practices and practical exercises. The course concluded with a discussion on the best ways to implement the methodology and the necessary steps for its application.

Agenda [Arabic]
List of Participants [English][Arabic]
Session 3: Presentation on Sectoral Corruption Risk Management Methodology - Arkan El Seblani [English][Arabic]
Session 5: Presentation on Practical Applications of the Sectoral Corruption Risk Management Methodology - Arkan El Seblani [English][Arabic]
Session 6: Implementing Sectoral Corruption Risk Management in the Water Sector of Tunisia - Anouar Ben Khelifa [Arabic]
Session 6: Implementing Sectoral Corruption Risk Management in the Higher Education Sector in Lebanon - Dr. Rami Najem [Arabic]

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