AFSD2024: Special Session on "Adopting a sectoral anti-corruption approach as key accelerator to promote accountable and inclusive institutions."

AFSD2024 Special Session "Adopting sectoral anti corruption as a key accelerator to promote accountable and inclusive institutions"

Beirut, Lebanon, 3/5/2024 - 3/5/2024

Organized by: ESCWA, UNDP, Arab League, and others

During AFSD 2024, UNDP ACIAC contributed through a special session titled: Adopting a sectoral anti-corruption approach as key accelerator to promote accountable and inclusive institutions.

The session highlighted the importance of corruption prevention for achieving sustainable development including in fragile settings and showcased specific tools to enhance transparency and accountability in key sectors.

Additionally, the session brought to light how UNDP is working with its partners to promote accountable governance at the sectoral level as well as at the cross-sectoral level by sharing specific examples and called for stronger regional cooperation on SDG16.

Transparency International took part in the discussion, Hazem Alnamla and Kinda Hattar brought in perspectives on the importance of prioritizing integrity in the development discourse. Cendrella Abou Fayyad from the Lebanese University shared insights on how the sectoral corruption risk management approach that they've adopted with UNDP's support is on track to enhance their academic, administrative, and financial processes for better quality education.

The session can be found using the following link:

Special Session agenda [English][Arabic]
Session - Sectoral Corruption Risk Management at the Lebanese University [Arabic]

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