Second Specialized Training "Implementing Sectoral Corruption Risk Management in the Lebanese University"

Second Specialized Training "Implementing Sectoral Corruption Risk Management in the Lebanese University"

Beit Meri, Republic of Lebanon, 8/1/2023 - 8/3/2023

Organized by: UNDP ACIAC and UNDP Country Office in Lebanon

In cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Lebanese University (LU) is currently working on the implementation of the Sectoral Risk Management Methodology, with the aim of ensuring greater integrity across its governance model, and for it to effectively lead on its mission in line with the strategic development plan and the National AntiCorruption Strategy (NACS), particularly the seventh outcome ‘Preventive Measures against Corruption Integrated at the Sectoral Level’, to enable Lebanon’s progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, namely Goal Four ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’ and Goal Sixteen ‘Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels’. Consequently, the “Anti-Corruption for Trust in Lebanon Project”, implemented with the support of the European Union and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, is organizing a second specialized training titled “Implementing Sectoral Corruption Risk Management in the Lebanese University”, from 1 to 3 August 2023 in Beit Mery, Lebanon, in coordination with the Regional Project on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in the Arab Countries (ACIAC), implemented in partnership with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). The workshop builds on the results achieved by the Anti-Corruption and Integrity Committee at the Lebanese University, which was established by decision number 47 dated 24 February 2023, and which aims at enhancing the capacities of the committee’s members, who had been previously trained by UNDP. This second workshop aims at leveraging the knowledge and skills acquired in the first workshop, particularly with regards to the achieved progress in the assessment of corruption risks across four institutional processes, namely students’ admission, designation of academics, designation of employees and public procurement. The workshop entails a combination of technical and practical exercises to enhance the knowledge and skills of the committee’s members, and to provide them with the needed technical guidance to develop the essential action plans to deal with corruption risks under scrutiny. The workshop will also tap into the next steps as well as the needed support for the upcoming phases.

Agenda [English][Arabic]
List of Participants [English][Arabic]
Session 2: Presentation on "Interim results of assessing corruption risks: Students Admission Process" - Dr. Ali Harkous / Dr. Elie Hadchity [Arabic]
Session 2: Presentation on "Interim results of assessing corruption risks: Designation of Academics Process" - Dr. Therese Seif [Arabic]
Session 2: Presentation on "Interim results of assessing corruption risks: Designation of Employees Process" - Dr. Howeida Al Turk [Arabic]
Session 2: Presentation on "Interim results of assessing corruption risks: Public Procurement Process" - Dr. Farah Kanj [Arabic]
Session 8: Presentation on "Managing Corruption Risks in Higher Education - Best practices and lessons learned" - Dr. Afolabi Samuel [English]

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