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A new Forum against Corruption promises better coordination at global level

International - Tuesday, September 10, 2024

In a significant advancement in the global fight against corruption, the “Anti-Corruption Partnership Forum” has been established to enhance international cooperation in this regard. This platform aims to streamline efforts across international organizations by providing a platform for knowledge sharing, policy development exchange, and activity coordination. It is designed to ease the administrative burden on countries undergoing a review mechanism of their anti-corruption frameworks by improving cooperation and information exchange among the reviewing bodies. Through this collaborative approach, the forum is expected to enhance service delivery for Member States and minimize duplication of efforts.

The forum was conceived during the 10th Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention Against Corruption in December 2023, where international organizations recognized the need for more coordinated efforts. The idea is to break down silos, foster regular dialogue, and streamline review mechanisms by creating a shared calendar and data exchange system.

A significant milestone in the forum’s development was the high-level side event titled “Strengthening Synergies and Cooperation Amongst International Organizations.” This event, organized by the European Commission, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, GRECO, and the OECD, was a key outcome of the commitments made by the Commission during the first meeting of the EU Network against Corruption in September 2023. It highlighted the EU’s commitment to improving international cooperation, laying the groundwork for the forum's establishment.

The forum’s first meeting, co-hosted by the European Commission and UNODC in July 2024, included participants from the OECD, GRECO, the League of Arab States, the African Union, the OAS, the World Bank Group, and the IMF. Attendees discussed cooperation on review mechanisms and explored shared tools to improve anti-corruption efforts.
Full report of the first forum.

Moving forward, the forum will meet once or twice a year to ensure continuous coordination among international organizations, ultimately enhancing the global fight against corruption.


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