Legal Compendium

Algeria - Asset Declaration Law Implementing Decree and Blank Form [Arabic][French].
Egypt - Civil Service Law [Arabic].
Egypt - Law No. 62 of 1975 on illicit Enrichment [Arabic].
Iraq - Law No. 11 of 2013 on Access to Information in Kurdistan Regional in Iraq [Arabic].
Iraq - Law No. 58 for 2017 on Protection of Witnesses, Experts, Informers and Victims [Arabic].
Jordan - Amended System of Civil Service Law No. 96 of 2014 [Arabic].
Jordan - Code of Conduct of Public Service of 2013 [Arabic].
Jordan - Code of Judicial Conduct of 2014 [Arabic].
Jordan - Economic Offenses Act - Law No.11 of 1993 and amendments [Arabic].
Jordan - Ethics Guide for Public Office [Arabic].
Jordan - Financial Disclosure Law No. 54 [Arabic].
Jordan - Guide on the Rules of Governance for Jordanian Companies [Arabic].
Jordan - Illicit Enrichment Law No. 21 of 2014 [Arabic].
The Illicit Enrichment Law number 21 for 2014, was published in the Jordanian official gazette on 8 May 2014 and is formed of 23 articles.
Jordan - Integrity Pact for Rules of Conduct of 2009 [Arabic].
Jordan - Integrity Pact for Rules of Conduct of 2009 [Arabic].
Jordan - Jordanian Companies Governance System [Arabic].
Jordan - Jordanian Companies Governance System [Arabic].
Jordan - Jordanian Companies Law No. 22 of 1997 and its amendments [Arabic].
Jordan - Law No. 29 of 2014 on the Independence of the Judiciary [Arabic].
Jordan - Law to Ensure the Right of Access to Information - Law No. 47 of 2007 [Arabic].
Jordan - National Integrity System 2013 [Arabic].
Jordan - Regulations of the Asset Disclosure Department No. 111 of 2014 [Arabic].
Jordan - System of Civil Service Law No. 82 of 2013 [Arabic].
Jordan - System of Internal Control No. 3 of 2011 [Arabic].
Jordan - System of Protection of Whistleblowers, Victims, Reporters and Experts in Cases of Corruption and their Relatives – No. 62 of 2014 [Arabic].
Jordan - Whistleblower protection law law number 62 of 2014 [Arabic].
The Jordanian Government have put into force on 16 April 2014 the whistleblower protection law, number 62 of 2014
Kuwait - Law No. 12 of 2020 on the right to access information [Arabic].
Kuwait - Ministerial decision N. 62 of 2021 on issuing the executive regulation of the law N. 12 of 2020 on Access to Information law [Arabic].
Lebanon - Citizens' Right of Access to Information: draft law [Arabic].
Lebanon - Decree Number 6940 on "Determining the specificities of implementing Law No. 28 of 2017 regarding the right to access information" [English][Arabic].
Lebanon - Law 214 of 2021 on the "Recovery of Assets Derived from Corruption Crimes" [Arabic].
Lebanon - Law No (154) of 1999 on Illicit Enrichment [Arabic].
Lebanon - Law No (28) of 2017 on Access to Information [Arabic].
Lebanon - Law number 43 on the exchange of tax information [Arabic].
Lebanon - National Action Plan to Implement the Right to Access to Information Law [English][Arabic].
Lebanon - Transparency in Oil & Gas Law n.84 of 2018 [Arabic].
Mauritania - Law on Financial Transparency in Public life [French].
Morocco - Asset Disclosure Law [French].
Morocco - Bill NO 13.13 on Access to information 2015 [Arabic].
Morocco - Charter of Reform of Justice System of 2013 [Arabic].
Morocco - Civil Service Law 1.58.008 of 1958 [Arabic].
Morocco - Dahir on Mandatory Asset Declaration No. 1.07.202 for the Implementation of Law No. 54.06 [Arabic].
Morocco - Law NO 23.16 amending Law NO 02.12 on the appointment in leadership positions for 2016 [Arabic].
Morocco - Law of Competitiveness Committee of 2014 [Arabic].
Morocco - Mandatory Declaration of Assets - Royal Decree No. 1.07.202 on the Implementation of Law No. 54.06 [Arabic][French].
This Mandatory Declaration of Assets refers to elected local councils and trade chambers and certain categories of employees or public officials.
Morocco - The Moroccan Charter for the Governance of Public Institutions [Arabic].
State of Palestine - Code of conduct and ethics for public office [Arabic].
Sudan - Access to Information Law of 2015 [Arabic].
Tunisia - Financial Disclosure Law [French].
Tunisia - Governmental Order n. 818 of 2018 On Adopting The Template Of Declaration Of Assets And Interests, And Minimum Threshold Of Assets, Loans, And Gifts To Be Declared [Arabic].
Tunisia - Law No (10) of 2017 on Whistleblowers Protection [Arabic].
Tunisia - Law No (22) of 2016 on Access to Information [Arabic].
Tunisia - Law no. 46 of 2018 on asset and interest declarations, illicit enrichment and conflict of interest [Arabic].
Yemen - Asset disclosure law [English][Arabic].
Yemen - Information Law: draft [Arabic].
Yemen - Law No (13) of 2012 on Access to Information [Arabic].
International - Global Transparency Initiative Transparency Charter [English].
The Transparency Charter for International Financial Institutions sets out the specific access to information standards that the Global Transparency Initiative believes the international financial institutions should respect.
International - OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, 2001 [English].
The Convention is global in scope and criminalizes acts of offering or giving bribes and it covers only bribery aimed at public officials. The Convention entered into force in February 1999 and the ratification process of OECD countries is underway.
International - Transparency and Anti-Bribery Initiatives - Resources [English].
This is a list of the US legal documents related to transparency and anti-corruption. The list is a service of the Office of the Chief Counsel for International Commerce at the United States Department of Commerce.
International - US Government: Bribery and Corruption Legal Resources [English].
This is the United States Government International Information Program's website on Bribery and Corruption, which contains key legal texts and documents on this subject.
International - Western Balkan Recommendation on Disclosure of Finances and Interests by Public Officials [English].
UN Agencies - United Nations Convention against Corruption [English][Arabic][French].
Not Assigned - Law No. 29 of 2014 on the Independence of the Judiciary [Arabic].


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