"Corruption, Development and Youth Perspectives" in Tunisia

"Corruption, Development and Youth Perspectives" in Tataouine, Mednine, and Benguerdane, Tunisia

Tataouine, Mednine, and Benguerdane, Tunisia, 4/15/2024 - 4/16/2024

Organized by: UNDP

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Regional Project on Anti-Corruption and Integrity In the Arab Countries (ACIAC) held youth engagement activities on "Corruption, Development and Youth Perspectives" in Tunisia on the 15th of April in Tataouine and Mednine and on the 16th of April in Benguerdane.

List of Participants - Day 1 (Tataouine) [English][Arabic]
List of Participants - Day 1 (Mednine) [English][Arabic]
List of Participants - Day 2 (Benguerdane) [English][Arabic]

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